Genesis Cables & Interfaces - Philosophy
An interface is defined as the point of interaction between two systems. In a hifi system, it could be between a source component and a preamp, a preamp and a power amp, or a power amp and a loudspeaker. The interface preserves the partnership between the components without adding any interpretation.
In the context of our music systems, it unambiguously preserves the signal coming out from the source, and delivers it to the destination – without any transgressions in between.
What you will hear from your system when going from almost any other cable to Absolute Fidelity Interfaces are:
1) Flow – a better sense of the ebb and flow of music. This is not only important with orchestral works, but also rock, pop, and especially Latin American music. You are almost able to “see” the sway of the conductor. It is manifested as an irresistible tapping of the toes by the listener;
2) Coherence – the performance interplay between the members of a band seem to gel better – like they had been together for longer and perform better together, an “on” night for a band rather than an “off” night;
3) Vividness – the rise and decay of notes shows more contrast, plucked and percussion instruments peak and tail-off more naturally. Percussion instruments such as bells, triangles, cymbals and drums are more clearly defined, plucked string instruments like guitars and harps sound much more realistic;
4) Micro-dynamics – an increase of micro-dynamic detail allowing you to hear the natural shimmer of the ridges on a cymbal, the curl of a lower lip of a singer, the fleshy strike of the hand on a bongo, the horse hair of a violin bow: you are better able to accurately identify the material of the instrument;
5) Tonal colors – you hear more accurately the wood/brass/steel/bronze of the instrument, you hear the difference in sonority between the sound of two different violins, two similar guitars, two clarinets, or two trumpets, or two vocalists;
6) Focus – a sharper and more focused soundstage, like a lens going into focus or the smoke or veil getting out of the way to allow you to feel like you are a part of the performance.
Design Philosophy
FAQ – Interview with Designer Gary L Koh
Absolute Fidelity Interfaces Brochure (PDF 192KB)

As a loudspeaker designer and manufacturer, we have to rely on everything else up the music reproduction chain. We have always had to rely on equipment from other manufacturers for our research and development, and for setting up the demonstration system during trade shows and exhibitions. For many years, we have borrowed or purchased equipment from other manufacturers.
The key link has been the loudspeaker cable – they all sound different. Not necessarily wrong, but different…. making our loudspeakers sound different.
There are always sonic trade-offs. Sometimes we may like a cable for its musicality, but the tonal characteristics might not suit. Or the cable may be tonally correct, but the pace and rhythm is off. Or when the musicality is there and the tone correct, but the detail and resolution is missing.
What we tried to achieve over the past 5 years with hundreds and thousands of hours of listening as we designed loudspeakers is a transparent cable that would let us hear what the system truly sounded like. Our benchmark was no cable – with the power amplifier directly connected to the loudspeaker and nothing in between. Even then, within the power amplifier was at least a 6-inch piece of wire between the output of the amplification circuit and the binding post of the loudspeaker.
After experimenting with many different designs and countless prototypes, we designed a cable for our own use in the design laboratory. A 2 meter cable that was as close as possible to no cable. It was the perfect tool for loudspeaker and amplifier research and development, and for setting up demonstrations during trade shows and exhibitions.
Along the way, we also designed our own power amplifier for loudspeaker design…. But that amplifier had more requirements than just transparency. It had to be robust and short-circuit proof as well. With a transparent power amplifier and transparent loudspeaker cable, the sonic compromises of available interconnect cables drove us to develop interconnects with the same principles and philosophy.
Because we used these cables and amplifiers at shows, our dealers and customers began to take notice, and before we knew it, we were selling cables and amplifiers. One customer asked for a power cord, and set us down another road of discovery.
it was that dramatic. In one fell swoop, the music took on... a significant change in clarity”
– Patrick Dillon, HiFi Zine